The 11th Multidisciplinary Symposium of
Canadian Academy of Chinese Professors (MSCACP-11)
June 21-23, 2023

(The Canadian Academy of Chinese Professors)


Organizing Committee
Lin Cai (蔡霖) (Co-Chair, Victoria),                    Yang Shi (施阳) (Co-Chair, Victoria)
Jesse Zhu (祝京旭) (Co-Chair, Western),         George Zhang (张治) (Secretary, Western)


Welcome Message from Co-Chairs of CACP 大会主席寄语
Dear Fellow CACP Colleagues:
On behalf of the organizing committee and the Canadian Academy of Chinese Professors, we whole-heartedly welcome you and your family to participate in the 11th Multidisciplinary Symposium of Canadian Academy of Chinese Professors -- the 11th Annual/Biannual Conference of the Canadian Academy of Chinese Professors (CACP-11).
This event is organized by the Canadian Academy of Chinese Professors (CACP), in conjunction with the Canadian Association of Chinese Professors (BC), following the heel of ten successful symposia held in 2007-2018. This year, the symposium is held at the University of Victoria.
The aim of this symposium is to provide a forum for the Canadian Chinese professors and researchers to network, foster multidisciplinary collaborations, share experience, and exchange ideas in scientific research and higher education.
We hope you and your family will enjoy the conferences and the city and make the best out of your trip to downtown Victoria. And we also look forwards to long-lasting friendship and many years of prosperous collaborations to come.

Conference Co-Chairs
Lin Cai and Yang Shi (Victoria)
Jesse Zhu (Western)


CACP-11 Programs

June 21, 2023, Wednesday  (ECS660 -- Engineering & Computer Science Building)

 2:00pm – 8:00pm


 2:30pm – 5:00pm

Informal discussion: Academy Freedom and National Security
Led by Dr. Yang Shi, CAE/EIC Fellows, University of Victoria
With guest speaker, Dr. Xiaobei Chen, Prof. Carleton University
(Coffee/tea and cookies available throughout)

 5:30pm – 7:00pm

Supper (optional, not included in registration)

 7:00pm – 9:30pm

Social gathering, (+Meeting with Presidents from Chinese Univs)
Led by Dr. Jesse Zhu, Western University, CACP President


June 22, 2023, Thursday  (ECS660 -- Engineering & Computer Science Building)

 8:30am – 15:00pm


 9:00am – 9:20am

Welcome and Land Acknowledgment – Dr. Yang Shi, University of Victoria
Dr. Mina Hoorfar, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Victoria
Dr. Peter Loock, Dean, Faculty of Science, University of Victoria
Dr. Jesse Zhu, President CACP (Can. Academy of Chinese Professors)

 9:20am – 10:30am

General TopicSession   (Chair – Dr. Ying Zheng)
Academic Entrepreneurship A Personal Reflection
Dr. Liang-Shih Fan, Distinguished University Professor, Ohio State University, Fellows, US Academy of Eng., Chinese Academy of Eng., Canadian Academy of Eng., Australian Academy of Eng.
Award Nomination and Professional Progression – how to prepare a successful Academy Nomination File
Dr. Jesse Zhu, Distinguished Univ Prof., Fellows of RSC, CAE and EIC, CAE Board member, CACP President, Western University

10:30am – 10:50am

Nutrition Break

10:50am – 11:50am

Biomass Conversion Session  (Chair – Dr. Ying Chen)
Turning Wood into a High Strength Lightweight Material “Stronger” than Steel
Dr. Chunbao Xu, Professor, CAE/EIC Fellows, Western University
Value-added Utilization of Biomass Lignin – Recent Progresses and Future Prospects
Dr. Xueqing Qiu, CAE Fellow, President of Guangdong University Technology

12:00pm – 1:30pm


  1:30pm – 2:30pm

Chemical Breakthroughs Session   (Chair – Dr. Bing Chen)
Engineering Graphene and 2D Materials for Energy Storage and Polymer Composite
Dr. Aiping Yu, University Research Chair, University of Waterloo
Fusioning Chemistry into Chemical Engineering
Dr. Xiaonian Li, President of Zhejiang University of Technology

 2:30pm – 3:30pm

Advanced Mechanical & Mechatronics Session  (Chair – Dr. Yajun Pan)
Incorporating Humanities in Mechanical Engineering Research and Innovation: Personal Perspective and a Case Study
Dr. Zhongchao Tan, CAE Fellow, University of Waterloo
Towards Smarter, Safer, More Reliable, More Resilient and More Sustainable Autonomous Systems
Dr. Youmin Zhang, Professor, Concordia University

 3:30pm – 3:50pm

Nutrition Break

 3:50pm – 5:20pm

Sustainable Technologies Session   (Chair – Dr. Hong Gu)
Microfluidics Enabled Soft Robotic Wearable Systems for Biomedical Applications
Dr. Liqing Ren, CAE Fellow, University of Waterloo
Love it or Hate it: Coal Fired Power Plant
Dr. Xiaohong Xu, Professor, University of Windsor
Fibre-based Insulation Materials of Nano Co-crystals for Buildings
Dr. Ruhe Zhao, Professor, CAE Fellow, UBC

 6:00pm – 8:30pm

Conference Banquet  (University Club)


June 23, 2023, Friday   (ECS660 -- Engineering & Computer Science Building)

  9:00am – 10:40am

(排华法案100周年 纪念场)   (Chair – Dr. Lin Cai)
Learning from History?  (Special Invitation)
Canada–China University Linkages amid Geopolitical Tensions: Reporting the Results of a Survey of Canadian University Faculty
Dr. Qiang Zha, Faculty of Education, York University
Intelligence Agencies and Categorical Suspicions in Canada
Dr. Midori Ogasawara, Professor of Sociology,
University of Victoria (小笠原教授)
The Collateral Damage of Tech Wars
Dr. Lin Cai, University of Victoria, CAE/EIC Fellows

10:40am – 11:00am

Nutrition Break

11:00am – 11:50am

Panel Discussion on the above and related topics
            Led by Dr. Lin Cai,
            All speakers and audience

12:00pm – 1:30pm

(Livestream: National Remembrance to Commemorate
the Centenary of the Chinese Exclusion Act)
Also, meet Dr. Kevin Hall, President, University of Victoria

 1:30pm – 3:30pm

Topics of common interests   (Chair – Dr. Youmin Zhang)
Issues of English speaking by Chinese international students
Dr. Marshall Jiang, Professor, Brock University
Introduction to Agricultural Engineering Discipline of Xinjiang Agricultural University
Dr. Junxian Guo, Professor, Xinjiang Agricultural University
Sustainable Propulsion for Automotive Vehicles
Dr. Ming Zheng, Professor, University of Windsor
High Precision GPS/GNSS to Mass-Market Applications
Dr. Yang Gao, Professor, University of Calgary

 3:30pm – 4:10pm

Closing Nutrition Break, Co-chairs

 6:00pm – 8:30pm

Dinner (optional, not included in registration)





Special Invited Speakers:


Dr. Liang-Shih Fan,
Distinguished University Professor, Ohio State University,
Fellows, US Academy of Eng., Chinese Academy of Eng.,
            Canadian Academy of Eng., Australian Academy of Eng.

Academic Entrepreneurship A Personal Reflection

Dr. Midori Ogasawara,
Professor of Sociology, University of Victoria

Intelligence Agencies and Categorical Suspicions in Canada

Dr. Qiang Zha,
Professor of Education, York University

Canada–China University Linkages amid Geopolitical Tensions: Reporting the Results of a Survey of Canadian University Faculty

Dr. Lin Cai,
Professor, Fellows of CAE/EIC
University of Victoria,

The Collateral Damage of Tech Wars



Name (last, first)



Cai, Lin

U. of Victoria

Cao, Yuxing

Henan Polytechnic U.

Chen, Bing

Memorial University of Newfoundland

Chen, Ying

U. of Manitoba

Chen, Zengtao

U. of Alberta

Gao, Yang

U. of Calgary

Gu, Hong

Dalhousie U.

Guo, Junxian

Xinjiang Agricultural University

Jiang, Marshall

Brock U.

Li, Xiaonian

Zhejiang University of Technology


Ogasawara, Midori

University of Victoria

Pan, Yajun

Dalhousie U.

Pan, Zhiyan

Zhejiang University of Technology

Ren, Liqing

U. of Waterloo

Shan, Jinjun

York U.

Shi, Yang

U. of Victoria

Sun, Qiao

U. of Calgary

Tan, Zhongchao

U. of Waterloo

Wen, John

U. of Waterloo

Wu, Jonathan

U. of Windsor

Xu, Chunbao

Western U.

Xu, Xiaohong

 U. of Windsor

Yu, Aiping

U. of Waterloo

Zhang, Youmin

Concordia U.

Zhao, Ruhe

U. of British Columbia

Zheng, Ming

U. of Windsor

Zheng, Ying

Western U.

Zhu, Jesse

Western U.